How Flutter Push Notifications Are Changing The Way We Engage Users?
Introduction Every smartphone user knows what push notifications are and how much they are beneficial for them. After all these tiny or pop-up messages allow them to know about the recent updates in the app they have subscribed for. Even in research, it is found that about 80% of mobile users received 46 push notifications a day. Isn’t it sound overwhelming? Moreover, it is proved that push notifications are not only best in providing important information but improving business performance too. Therefore, many digital marketers have opted to flutter push notifications to get magnificent results. Although, push alerts help to maintain customer retention as well as conversions more than other mediums of marketing. But what draws people to it, is what makes it special in a way that no other marketing channel can capture. Read this post and know how to flutter push notifications are changing the way we engage users more than other modes of marketing. W...